Consumer Product Safety Commission Offers a Regulatory Guidance Tool

Written By: Atanu Das on Thursday, April 30, 2020

The tool, called "Regulatory Robot," asks manufacturers several questions about their product. For chemical products, simply choose this category:


Once selected, you will eventually need to answer the following with regard to hazard category:

Can your product be considered:

  • Toxic?
  • Corrosive?
  • Flammable or combustible?
  • An irritant?
  • A strong sensitizer? or
  • A substance or mixture of substances that generate pressure through decomposition, heat, or other means

Any of these responses will generate a final report outlining the labeling requirements with the following text: 

"Your selection indicates that your product may require hazardous substances labeling under the
FHSA and its accompanying regulations. Hazardous substances labeling is covered under the
FHSA–an Act administered by the CPSC. Federal enforcement regulations pertaining to the
FHSA can be found under 16 CFR part 1500. Also, for more information, please see our guidance
page on the FHSA at :

*It is the responsibility of a manufacturer or importer of a product to determine whether a
product meets the definition of a “hazardous substance” and if so, fulfill its obligations under
the FHSA for appropriate precautionary labeling. To do so, you may want to consider hiring a
toxicologist or chemist to help you review your products in the context of these FHSA labeling

For help on meeting your obligations, let us know